Health care can be a difficult puzzle. We work as one to put the pieces
together for Chatham County and for you.

MSC on the Radio


Prevent Suicide Today is partnering with Savannah State University to bring MSC training to our community on the radio! Join us for a 12-month long Mindful Self-Compassion radio journey on WHCJ (90.3 FM), the radio station of Savannah State University, to learn how to bring loving awareness to ourselves and our experiences, and develop a warm, connected presence during difficult moments in our lives.

WHEN: Every 2nd Friday of the month at noon, starting September 13th, 2019
WHERE: WHCJ (90.3 FM), Stir It Up Radio Show
DETAILS: MSC on Stir it Up – flyer

Listen on demand:

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“We who have means and a voice must use them to help those who have neither.”
– Jennifer Donnelly