CCSNPC Recognizes Juwana Hightower as Outstanding Partner Enroller

Juwana Hightower has been recognized as Outstanding Partner Enroller for the Coastal Campaign for Healthy Kids at the December 2017 Chatham County Safety Net Full Council Meeting.
Ms. Hightower has demonstrated her commitment to the families she serves as Public Benefits Coordinator at St. Mary’s Community Center. Under the leadership of Sr. Pat Baber, St. Mary’s continues to reign as superstar enrollment assistance partner organization for the Coastal Campaign for Healthy Kids!
We are pleased to recognize Ms. Hightower because even though she has not been a part of the Coastal Campaign for very long — just six months (May-October 2017) — her enrollments have accounted for 40.2% of all children applied for during that period (287 children out of 712 kids total). That is an extraordinary number! She has also broken the record for the highest total number of children served within a single month at 77 in May 2017. She then broke her own record the next month by applying on behalf of another 78 children in June. All in all, she accounted for 22% of all families served during those 6 months and because of this accomplishment, we are honored to spotlight her achievement.
St. Joseph/Candler Health System, St. Mary’s Community Center is located at 812 W. 36th St. in Savannah. If you would like to make an appointment, call Ms. Hightower at 912-447-0578.