Eva Elmer Receives “Inspiring Mothers of Georgia 2017” Award by HMHB

Savannah, Georgia – On Sunday, April 30, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia (“HMHB”) awarded Savannah mom, Eva Elmer, one of six “Inspiring Mothers of Georgia 2017”.
“We are so privileged to honor Ms. Eva Elmer for her contributions to the Chatham-Savannah community, as well as to her family,” said Elise Blasingame, executive director. “We received nominations from all over the State, and the women we read about blew us away. After a thorough blind-review of all nominees, the stories shared about Ms. Elmer’s work to ensure access to health insurance and care for our most vulnerable children really stood out to the selections committee.”
“It is such an honor to receive this award,” says Elmer. “I am deeply touched to have been nominated and overwhelmed to have been chosen! I feel especially gratified to have our work helping children gain and keep help health coverage be recognized. It is so important to me and truly a labor of love.”
Ms. Elmer works as the Campaign Manager for the Coastal Campaign for Healthy Kids, a program of the non-profit Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council. The Coastal Campaign is a grant-funded initiative that strives to dramatically reduce the number of uninsured children and teens who are eligible for Georgia Public Health Insurance Programs, Medicaid & PeachCare for Kids but are not enrolled. She has been responsible for the strategic development and implementation of the Campaign since August 2014.
The initiative began its work serving Chatham County and with the help of federal funding in June 2016 expanded to five additional counties Bryan, Effingham, Liberty, Long and McIntosh. The Coastal Campaign’s own mobile enrollment team and coalition of enrollment assistance partners including Step Up Savannah, St Joseph/Candler’s St. Mary’s Community Center, Curtis V Cooper Primary Health Center and has provided application assistance services for health insurance coverage nearly 3,200 children. Her work also includes connecting families whose children have chronic medical conditions and/or disabilities to service agencies and funding resources.
Elmer is mom to 9-year old, Stephen, a little boy with cerebral palsy and cortical visual impairment. She has become a dedicated advocate for children and adults with disabilities in her community promoting inclusion and access for all.
Ms. Eva Elmer was honored with five other ‘Inspiring Mothers of Georgia’ at the HMHB Inaugural Mother’s Day Luncheon on Sunday, April 30, 2017 at the Emory Conference Center Hotel. They were honored alongside six First Ladies of Georgia, including Mrs. Sandra Deal, Mrs. Mary Perdue, Mrs. Shirley Miller, Mrs. Marie Barnes, Mrs. Rosalynn Carter and Mrs. Mary Beth Busbee (in memoriam) for their work to improve maternal and infant health in Georgia during their respective careers.