Georgia Families® Health Plans: Choosing Your Plan

It’s time to re-choose a Health Plan for you and your family!
How can you choose a Health Plan?
In Georgia Families®, you will get all the health services that you get now as a member of Medicaid or PeachCare for Kids® — plus more. While each plan offers the same basic health services, they also offer different “extra services” or benefits; such as programs to help you manage your asthma, diabetes, or weight! Take a look at the chart on the other side of this brochure to compare each plan and choose the one you like best!
Do you want to keep seeing your current doctor? Is there a hospital or clinic where you often go for care? Are there specialists, counselors, or special services that you want to keep using? Find out which Health Plans they accept. Visit, or call the providers or 1-888-GA-Enroll (1-888-423-6765). TDD: 1-877-889-4424.
What are the basic health services you will get?
- 24 Hour Nurse Help line
- Telemedicine services
- Flu shot
- Member outreach services in the community
- Telephonic translation services
- Case management services
- Smoking Cessation program
- Dental benefits for children and pregnant women
- Vision benefits for children and pregnant women
- Member friendly website with easy access to request new ID cards, view doctors and much more
Dental Services:
- Oral exam every six months for members 21 and older with no copay
- Teeth cleaning every six months for members 21 and older with no copay
- Simple tooth removal for members 21 and older with no copay
- No referrals needed for primary dental services
- Free Bitewing X-Rays once a year for members 21 and older with no copay.
Behavioral Health Services:
- Case manager who works with you to tailor behavioral and medical services to your individual needs
- Case management support after a behavioral health discharge
- 24 Hour Nurse Crisis Support for Substance Abuse
Vision Services:
- Free eye exam once per year for members age 21 and over with no copay
- Each plan offers assistance with glasses (see plan website for more details).