Summer Camp for Children Living with Type I Diabetes

For parents of children living with Type I Diabetes every day can feel like Ground Hog Day…….testing, counting carbohydrates, calculating insulin dose, bolus dosing, correcting high blood glucose levels……….all to promote the best healthy lifestyle and glucose management and lifelong success in living with a chronic disease.
Children living with Type I Diabetes are frequently the only child in their school, their sports team, their peer group, their church, even their family who are demonstrating this daily.
A Camp opportunity for children living with T1D allows that child to be one of hundreds of individuals following the same routine every day and encourages independence in self care, achievement of new skills in self management, and self esteem and self awareness that diabetes is not a stigma or spot light on difference but a condition that can be controlled.
St Joseph’s/Candler offers the opportunity for children living with Type I Diabetes to attend just such a camp. For the 4th consecutive year we are offering scholarship to Camp Adam Fisher in Summerton, South Carolina. Camp Adam is the oldest overnight camp experience in the Carolinas and the Southeastern US, celebrating 50 years in 2017!
If you are the parent of a child age 6-17 years or family member of such a child who would be eligible for camp participation, please reach out. I would love to take along a new friend to camp!